Some clients may come to treatment with stable housing and family support. These clients may not need the additional support and structure provided by a residential program.
Other clients successfully complete a more intensive treatment at Powell and are ready to step into a less structured setting.
For these clients, Powell Recovery offers our Outpatient Services. These services can be combined with PRC’s supportive housing, or clients may live at home with family or friends while in treatment. This level of care typically lasts from 3 to 5 months but could extend longer if the clients choose to participate in our pilot Bridge Program (see the Bridge Program page for more information). Outpatient services include:
Partial Hospitalization (ASAM 2.5)
Our Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP) is available to clients who require more intensive treatment and medical interventions immediately following admission or after a serious relapse.
Services through our Partial Hospitalization Program include:
Medically monitored withdrawal management services
Intensive case management to assist with transition and daily living requirements
Daily individual and group treatment sessions including art and holistic interventions to provide clients multiple approaches to communicate during this early phase of treatment.
Intensive Outpatient Program: (ASAM 2.1)
Group sessions 5 times weekly
Individual sessions with counselors
Individual case management sessions upon request
Access to Suboxone Medication Management
Access to PRC Mental Health Services
Duration: from 15 to 90 days
Outpatient Program
3-5 group sessions each week (typical, but may vary)
Individual sessions with counselors
Case management services available upon request
Access to Suboxone Medication Management
Access to PRC Mental Health Services
Duration – Based on needs of client
The Bridge
Powell’s newest program is designed for clients who have successfully completed treatment. The Bridge is an opportunity to transition to a community environment while still maintaining ties to Powell Recovery for support and encouragement.
To be eligible, clients must be engaged in work activities and be able to pay a discounted rent of $100 per week. Designed to minimize the “revolving door” of clients leaving and re-entering treatment in rapid succession, this program starts approximately 6-8 months after a client first enters treatment. Currently, clients can remain at The Bridge until they have completed approximately 12 months of treatment; however, our goal is to expand this to a full 2 years of gradually decreasing supportive services soon.
Services include:
Housing with access to a semi-private bedroom
Fully furnished
Full kitchen privileges
Cable TV
Evening and weekend outpatient groups to minimize conflict with work schedules
Case management services to support employment, educational, or other recovery and life goals
Access to Powell Recovery Mental Health Services
Access to Powell Recovery Suboxone Medication Maintenance